Our most heartfelt congratulations and thanks to our very first Portal Prize winner for Speculative Fiction, Elizabeth Browne, for her story “Family Mart.”
Finalists include:
Christopher Fox for “Junk”
Stacy Skolnik for “Ginny”
Sara Ramey for “Sea Change”
Thomas Wharton for “Moon, Flower, Sword, Kendra”
Sara Rivera for “Madrina”
Charity Tahmaseb for “In a Manner of Speaking”
Janet Barrow for “The Portrait Artist”
Larry Malchow for “Liberty Motel”
Alexander Jones for “Good Times”
Receiving Honorable Mentions:
Anneliese Schultz for “Water from the Mountain”
Mimi Kawahara for “Toward the Sky”
We appreciate the opportunity to read each and every piece entrusted to our judges. Thanks to everyone who participated in this celebration of the fantastic, the liminal, the possible.
—Cami Griep, Editor
Betsy Baer says:
Feb 2, 2019
Are you printing the portal prize anthology? How do I get a copy?
Stephen Parrish says:
Feb 3, 2019
Hi Betsy. The book is coming out soon and will be available at Amazon as Portal 10: Speculative Fiction.