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Haruki Murakami on .

Scattered applause rose around me. In that instant, for no reason and on no grounds whatsoever, the thought suddenly struck me: I think I can write a novel.

W.W. Norton is making digital copies of its books . In other breaking news, Paramount Pictures is considering making its movies available to theaters.

While on that subject: publishers charge lending libraries high prices for ebooks, and now The Canadian Library Association is against the practice.

The arts and humanities (actually, a spirited defense of the arts and humanities).

What role will the arts and humanities play in this brave new world? We cannot measure the value of these disciplines in dollars, so we have decided that they have no value at all, except some token value, like the parsley garnish on a 16-ounce steak.

A Crown imprint is the first to provide . Also, Berkley and NAL .

Award-winning author has died.

He never achieved the broad popularity he craved. “You can’t be admitted to the ranks of writers of importance unless you have sales,” he said.

Stephen King speaks out, , in favor of gun control.

Queen Victoria (yes, that Queen Victoria) published a last Monday (22 June)—114 years after her death.

A designed to simulate what it’s like to have dyslexia.

Bookstores won’t of video stores? We dunno about that. The horse-and-buggy industry argued just as passionately, armed just as well with convincing data, when the automobile came along. Here are some on the matter.

Current college students actually prefer reading print books over eBooks, claiming it helps them better retain knowledge. If that factoid doesn’t blow your mind, then I suggest you read more books.

Remember when Family Christian Stores and put itself up for sale? Not gonna happen, , anyway.

. Need we say more.

A brief history of . We Street People get all sentimental over stuff like this.

How Chuck Wendig thinks Amazon should . He had us at “cocktrumpet.”

Remove the exclusivity. Because fuck exclusivity, that’s why. Unless you’re offering me a pony when I sign up for the program, don’t pretend this is some kind of favor to me.

In the WTF department, it’s now to sell erotica ebooks before 10:00 p.m. (Turns out the law after all.)

Finally, JK Rowling reveals why the so much. Everyone can exhale now.


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