That One Time a Homicide Detective Introduced Me to Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood’s tired, world-weary look said everything for me. I kind of grimaced at her, not apologetically even, but in a totally mysterious “you have no idea” way that must have confirmed her belief I was a lunatic.

Like Takei: Coming Out, Because It’s The Right Thing To Do
George Takei played Sulu on Star Trek. Even pasty-white America watched Star Trek and loved it. Nobody guessed that Sulu was gay.

My Own Struggle, Or An Exercise in Autofiction
Contrary to my expectations, I find Knausgaard is really good and, even better, accessible. Not pretentious at all as I feared but funny, empathetic, honest.

Reflections on River Mouth
The themes seem to resonate with everyone because, after all, the river is its own life—one that troubles and aids us. It is like a god we plead to, beg, and thank.

An Open Letter to Amazon
Dear Amazon, thank you for your recent email suggesting I purchase my own book… The first time, I thought it was cute and funny. But after this fifth time it made me start wondering exactly what is going on over there.

The Poetry of Paul Celan & the Language of the Selfie
Celan was not the first nor the last poet to be accused of navel-gazing. And within our selfie-obsessed culture, his work is probably more relevant than ever.