Mrs. Mannerly Explains the Multi-Faceted Use of Tableware and its Social and Personal Implications
I have three sets of china that I did not select, having received them from women who lived before me.

A Laugh a Minute
by Kent Oswald
A comic masterpiece? Shouldn’t there be an absolute measurement for that term?

Breakfast Host with an MFA
by Tina V. Cabrera
Equipped with an MFA and nearly two decades of teaching experience, why would I take on a job that paid little more than minimum wage?

New York, After the Election
by Kent Oswald
After the election it's all normal, except it isn't—as nobody can define normal anymore (even on a warmish NYC evening in November).

Build a bridge, or build a wall?
by Peter Dudley
On the second dawn of the Age of Regression, I am still struggling with a friend's suggestion that now is the time for me to "build bridges to the people who voted for Trump."

Election Season in Stars Hollow
by Isabella David
This, folks, is election season in a picturesque small town, one the New York Times calls the epitome of “upscale Americana.”

Apologypse Now
by Kent Oswald
We teach our children to say they are sorry well before they are able to understand it should mean something more significant than getting lucky enough to draw a “get out of jail” free card in Monopoly.

Supermarket Monologues
by Johnson Cheu
If you’ve read just about any disabled person’s blog—especially if they’ve got a “Top Ten: Don’t Do This When You See Me” list—you already know how I feel about people telling me that I inspire them.

Gina Barreca
Roz Warren
What kind of woman would write an essay from the point of view of a female orgasm? That would be Gina Barreca, feminist humor scholar, humorist, philosopher and all round gadfly.

Novelmas: or The Jinkies!, a Modest Proposal
by Kent Oswald
Book honors aplenty litter the calendar. All well and good, but do the prizes promote superior writing or just encourage sales?

Marvel’s summer 2016 Conversation about Race
by Michael Hassler
Like most black people, we are a minority population in almost every social American situation, even in my diverse small town of Garner, North Carolina.

Between Gilbert and Coates and Me
by Isabella David McCaffrey
It’s been ten years since Eat Pray Love was published, and I can no longer understand now why I briefly liked it then.

On Plagiarism: An Apology from Easy Street
There are situations one hopes never to find oneself in as an Editor, but today I write to share a gross oversight and an apology.

Easy Street Recommends: Books for Candidates
by Kent Oswald
Progenitors for each of the five horsefolk of the coming POTUS apocalypse are readily found in America’s literary past.

Lewd in the Library
by Roz Warren
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue just came out, and all over America, librarians are flipping through its pages and rolling their eyes.