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Charlie Hebdo has released its . A five-million print run for a magazine that normally distributes 60,000 copies—the best possible tribute to free speech.

Tips for writing . All fine and good, except for the stuff about abstinence. By the way, if you haven’t read (shown, right), it’s got even more tips.

Library are on the rise.

Turns out, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven . Well, duh. Tyndale House fell for it, Condé Nast didn’t.

Macmillan has joined HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster by with Oyster and Scribd. The subscription trend is like a river current: it can’t be reversed.

From the You’ve-Got-To-Be-Kidding-Me department: Oxford University Press bans to avoid offending Muslims and Jews.

Madeline McIntosh, president of the Penguin Publishing Group, has . Some lucky business card printer is going to burn the midnight oil.

The , U.S. vs U.K. I think it’s a tie.

Illustrated will be released over the next 7 years. It will take at least that long for the new look to catch on.

Gotta love Neil Gaiman. There ought to be a prize for .

The —according to everyone. I dunno. A meta survey is only as good as its individual ingredients.

NYC is coming out with an . We think this is good. Even better is that is also serves as a library card.

Rupert Murdoch held all Muslims responsible for jihadi attacks. JK Rowling .

More . Will they never learn?

Members of Get Lit perform “.” There’s hope for our youth. Hell, there’s even hope for our poetry.

Interested in being a correspondent for Town Crier? Write to editors at easystreetmag dot com.

Stephen Parrish is a contributing editor at Easy Street.